Blessed Stanley Rother Shrine is a Catholic Shrine located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Standing as a beacon of faith and a visible sign of the Church’s presence in Oklahoma, the Blessed Stanley Rother Shrine will be a resource for the entire archdiocese. The shrine will welcome pilgrims from throughout Oklahoma, the United States and beyond.
The shrine church will be designed in the Spanish mission style, mirroring Blessed Stanley’s church in Santiago Atitlán, Guatemala, Saint James the Apostle Catholic Church.
Pilgrim Center and Museum
Above and beyond the archdiocesan campaign to build the shrine church, chapel and ministry facilities, we are building the Blessed Stanley Rother Pilgrim Center and Museum. The pilgrim center will be the first arrival point upon reaching the shrine and the pathway for pilgrims to reach the main church and chapel. Inside the 6,000-square-foot facility, pilgrims will find an orientation room with a video documentary, a gift shop and a museum. The museum will highlight the story of Blessed Stanley Rother’s life and mission. It will feature artifacts from every stage of his life and provide information about his martyrdom and beatification. Perhaps, one day, it also will contain information related to his canonization!
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