Lourdes Grotto & Tepeyac de San Antonio is a Catholic Shrine located in San Antonio, Texas
Dedicated on December 7, 1941, located on five acres, surrounded by beautiful trees, the beautiful Grotto welcomes pilgrims from around the world and serves as an eternal sign of hope for all who visit.
The Grotto is made of reinforced concrete shaped to resemble the cave in which the Blessed Mother appeared to St. Bernadette. Within the grotto, a statue of Our Lady of Lourdes looks down upon St. Bernadette who is kneeling in prayer. The Grotto remains a place of peace, hope, and communion with Mary and nature.
A secluded altar is set within the Grotto for occasional Masses, and devotional services. The Grotto is just like others of its kind, offers Holy Water for Pilgrims.
Visitors to Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto are welcome to walk the grounds and enjoy their natural beauty.
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