Hail, O Cross, Our ONLY Hope (25 Quotes About the Passion of Christ)

Today is Good Friday, the day in which we remember the saving passion and death of our Lord Jesus. On the cross, Christ mightily won our salvation, conquering death and destroying the power of sin forever. All our hope of eternal life is founded upon the cross, and this is why we pray, “Ave Crus, Spes Unica! Hail, O Cross, our only hope.”

Around the world, Catholics will gather today to pray and venerate the cross. Here are 25 quotes to help you in meditating on our Lord’s passion.

Read the quotes here: https://catholicgentleman.com/2015/04/our-only-hope-25-quotes-about-the-cross/

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A Prayer to the Lord Jesus Christ:

Behold, O kind and most sweet Jesus, I cast myself on my knees in Thy sight, and with the most fervent desire of my soul, I pray and beseech Thee that Thou wouldst impress upon my heart lively sentiments of faith, hope, and charity, with true repentance for my sins, and a firm desire of amendment, while with deep affection and grief of soul I ponder within myself and mentally contemplate Thy five most precious wounds; having before my eyes that which David spake in prophecy: “They pierced My hands and My feet; they have numbered all My bones.”

00:00 Start
5:08 St Thomas Aquinas’ meditation
12:15 25 Saint Quotes
25:19 A Prayer to Jesus Christ

Watch on YouTube or visit Pints With Aquinas on YouTube by Matt Fradd

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